networker Medienfabrik GmbH
Recommended Providers
Overall Rating
Distribution of rating stars
5 Stars | 75% |
4 Stars | 0% |
3 Stars | 0% |
2 Stars | 0% |
1 Star | 25% |
Profile Overview
About networker Medienfabrik GmbH
Company description: Not available
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Sudbrackstraße 17Expertise
- Web Development: 20%
- SEO: 20%
- E-Commerce: 20%
- UX / UI Design: 20%
- Web Design: 20%
CMS & Website Builder
- Shopware: 100 %
Symfony: 50%
- Zend Framework: 50 %
Programming & Scripting
- PHP: 50 %
JSON: 50%
Contact the service provider and receive an appropriate offer in a timely manner.
Integrated Reviews
We have been working very well and intensively with networker for several years, starting with a successfully completed joint relaunch project (complete redesign and conversion of all company websites and product landing pages from Wordpress to Typo3) through to optimization, further development and support in day-to-day business. The direct line to our contact persons, who always have an open ear for our various requirements and requests and always try to process them within the desired time frame, deserves special praise. We can also only praise the fair cooperation with regard to coordinated budgets and annual planning - Marcus Siegert, Digital Manager at Pflüger Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG
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