TYPO3 is a widely used, free content management system (CMS) that is particularly suitable for use in companies. Its high level of flexibility and extensive customization options make it ideal for complex web projects and extensive content. TYPO3 is characterized by a modular architecture and a strong community that continuously contributes to the further development and improvement of the system. It is particularly suitable for medium to large companies that require a scalable and customizable solution.

What is TYPO3?

TYPO3 is an open source content management system (CMS) developed by Kasper SkΓ₯rhΓΈj in 1998 and licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The software allows users to create and manage digital content such as websites, intranets and mobile applications. TYPO3 is characterized by its modular and flexible architecture, which allows easy customization to individual requirements.

An important feature of TYPO3 is the use of TypoScript, a configuration language that allows precise customization and control over the behavior and appearance of the website. In addition, TYPO3 supports a wide range of extensions that extend functionality and adapt to specific needs. The large and active TYPO3 community supports the further development of the system and ensures that it always remains at the cutting edge of technology.

The advantages of TYPO3

TYPO3 offers numerous advantages that set it apart from other content management systems. These features include:

  • Flexibility and scalability: TYPO3 can be used for a wide range of projects, from small websites to large corporate portals. Its modular structure makes it easy to expand the functionality as needed.
  • Security: Regular updates and a strong community that works to continuously improve and secure the system make TYPO3 a very secure choice for businesses.
  • Multilingualism: TYPO3 supports the management of multilingual websites, which is particularly advantageous for companies operating internationally.
  • Extensibility: With the wide range of extensions available, TYPO3 can be easily customized to meet specific requirements. There are extensions for almost every conceivable function, from e-commerce solutions to complex forms.
  • User-friendliness: The TYPO3 backend is user-friendly and offers editors an intuitive interface for managing content.
  • Community and support: A large and active community offers extensive support, documentation and training. There are numerous forums, tutorials and official manuals to help you get started and work with TYPO3.
  • Workflows and user rights: TYPO3 offers sophisticated functions for managing workflows and user rights. This makes it easier to determine who is allowed to create, edit or publish which content.
  • SEO-friendly: TYPO3 offers many SEO features out of the box, such as the creation of search engine-friendly URLs, metadata management and the integration of SEO plugins.

These advantages make TYPO3 an attractive choice for organizations seeking a powerful and flexible CMS solution that can be customized to their specific needs while providing high security and usability.

TYPO3 development

Developing with TYPO3 requires in-depth knowledge of PHP, TypoScript and other web technologies. It includes installing and configuring the CMS, creating templates and designs, developing and integrating extensions, and integrating third-party services.

Installing and configuring TYPO3 is the first step. Setting up the CMS and customizing the basic settings requires technical knowledge and experience. The same applies to design and templates. Templates determine the look and structure of the website and often have to be customized to meet the company's requirements.

Extensions expand the functionality of the website and can be developed individually or obtained from the TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER). The integration of third-party services enables the connection to external systems such as CRM, ERP or e-commerce platforms. The integration of existing systems into the TYPO3 website is therefore possible without any problems.

Finally, security measures are also an important aspect of TYPO3 development. The implementation of security guidelines and regular updates are necessary to protect the website from attacks. A well-secured website not only offers protection against external threats, but also stability and reliability.

TYPO3 plugins and extensions

TYPO3 has a wide range of plugins and extensions that extend the functionality of the website. These can be easily installed and configured via the Extension Manager or in the TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER) in the backend. Popular extensions include the News plugin for managing and displaying news articles, Powermail for flexible forms, Yoast SEO for search engine optimization and RealURL for search engine-friendly URLs.

Important: Before installing new plugins, the compatibility of the extensions with the TYPO3 version used should be checked. It is possible that some extensions require adjustments or specific configurations to work optimally.

Using extensions offers many advantages. They enable you to expand the functionality of your website without much effort and help you to adapt your website to specific needs and offer additional features that improve the user experience. However, it is important to choose extensions that are well maintained and regularly updated. This ensures that they are compatible with the current TYPO3 version and do not pose any security risks.

Tips and tricks for working with TYPO3

Some best practices and optimizations help to improve the security, performance and usability of TYPO3 websites:

  • Regular updates: Keep TYPO3 and all installed extensions up to date to close security gaps and use new features.
  • Security configuration: Use TYPO3's extensive security features, including secure passwords, SSL certificates and regular security checks.
  • Performance optimization: Use caching and other optimization techniques to improve website loading times. TYPO3's built-in caching system and external performance analysis tools are helpful here.
  • Use documentation: Make regular use of the extensive TYPO3 documentation and community resources. Online forums, tutorials and official manuals provide valuable information and support.
  • Training and certification: Invest in training and certification for your team to improve their TYPO3 skills. Many providers offer specialized training that can increase efficiency and quality of work.
  • User-friendliness: Ensure that the TYPO3 website is easy for end users to use. Intuitive navigation, clear structures and an appealing design contribute to user satisfaction.
  • Usability testing: Conduct regular usability tests and adapt the website based on user feedback to continuously improve usability.

TYPO3 costs at a glance

Using TYPO3 itself is free, as it is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). However, there are various costs associated with implementation, customization and maintenance, which can vary depending on the scope of the project and the specific requirements of the company.

Initial implementation costs

The initial implementation costs include the development of the website structure, design and integration. This includes:

  • Project planning and management: The costs for the conception and planning of the project as well as the coordination of the teams involved.
  • Design and development: Creating a customized design and developing specific functionalities. The complexity of the website has a significant impact on the costs.
  • Content migration: If content needs to be migrated from an existing website, additional costs may be incurred.

Typo3 Extensions and plugins

Extensions are an important part of TYPO3 and expand the functionality of the website. There are both free and paid extensions:

  • Free extensions: Many extensions are available for free, but may require customization.
  • Paid extensions: Some specialized extensions, especially for specific business requirements, may be available for a fee.
  • Customization and integration: Customization and integration of extensions into the existing website may also incur additional costs.

Hosting costs

Server resources are required to operate a TYPO3 website. Hosting costs vary depending on the hosting provider selected and the resources required:

  • Shared hosting: a low-cost solution for smaller websites.
  • VPS (Virtual Private Server): mid-range solution for websites with medium traffic.
  • Dedicated server: more expensive solution for large and heavily frequented websites.

Maintenance and support costs

To ensure the security and functionality of the website, regular updates and technical support are essential:

  • Updates: costs for regular security updates and system updates.
  • Technical support: costs for troubleshooting and general technical support.
  • Long-term maintenance: A maintenance contract with an agency or service provider can help to keep the website up to date and secure.

Agency costs and specialized services

If a professional TYPO3 agency is hired, additional costs for consulting, development and maintenance will be incurred. These can vary depending on the scope of services and the agency's experience:

  • Consulting and conceptualization: Strategic consulting and detailed planning of the project.
  • Development and implementation: professional TYPO3 development and implementation of the website.
  • Training and workshops: Training for the internal team to learn how to use TYPO3.

The total cost of a TYPO3 project therefore depends on many factors and should be planned and calculated in detail in advance.


TYPO3 is a powerful and flexible content management system that is particularly suitable for complex and extensive web projects. The versatility of TYPO3 enables companies to develop customized solutions that meet their specific requirements. The use of extensions allows the functionality of the website to be expanded without a great deal of development effort.

However, working with specialized TYPO3 agencies offers numerous advantages. Due to the complexity of the system, in-depth technical knowledge is required, which may not be available internally in many companies. Agencies bring the necessary expertise and experience to implement projects efficiently and successfully. Their services include not only development and implementation, but also long-term maintenance and support to ensure the security and functionality of the website.

A good agency can also ensure that best practices are followed and strengthen the internal team by providing regular training and workshops in the use of TYPO3. Investing in a specialized agency can significantly contribute to the success of a TYPO3 project and enable companies to focus on their core business while the technical implementation is in professional hands.