Klickwunder GmbH
Recommended Providers
Overall Rating
Distribution of rating stars
5 Stars | 66.7% |
4 Stars | 0% |
3 Stars | 0% |
2 Stars | 0% |
1 Star | 33.3% |
Profile Overview
About Klickwunder GmbH
Company description: Not available
.Contact the vendor and get feedback on your queries in a timely manner.
Kemperplatz 1Expertise
- Content Marketing: 16%
- Social Media Marketing: 16%
- Advertising: 16%
- Direct Marketing: 20%
- Pay Per Click: 16%
- Conversion Optimization: 16%
Pay Per Click
- Google Ads: 100 %
Facebook Ads: 100%
Contact the service provider and receive an appropriate offer in a timely manner.
Integrated Reviews
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No words needed.
I have already worked with Michel before and during Klickwunder's time and can only VERY much recommend him and his agency! They have a lot of knowledge about online strategy, SEA, implementation, goal setting, analysis and especially high technical know-how regarding tracking, reporting and automation. They are also very pragmatic, very responsive, results oriented and achieve the goals very quickly!!!!
We work with Klickwunder for SEA. Our entire Adwords campaign is in very good hands here. Klickwunder acts with foresight and has topics on the agenda and already implemented before others have. This way we are always one step ahead of the competition. The regular evaluations also give us the feeling that we always have everything in view. All in all, everything is very professional.
Good agency from Berlin, really know what they are doing. Clear recommendation
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