Success does not come about by chance. Success leaves clues.

This wisdom applies particularly to project management. Numerous studies over the last few decades have identified recurring success factors that can help you to lead your projects to success. In this article, you will learn which factors are decisive and how you can integrate them into your management style in order to optimize your project performance.

Definition of project success

At first glance, the definition of project success seems simple: a project is considered successful if it achieves the set goal and does not exceed the planned project time or the available budget. To achieve this, it is essential to set clear and measurable goals. Many project managers fail already at this point by not defining precise goals or defining goals that can only be verified after a long period of time. For example, turnover is not a suitable metric, as markets fluctuate and turnover often cannot be measured immediately after project completion.

A project can achieve the defined goals and still not be considered successful if other expectations remain unfulfilled. Success is therefore also a question of perspective. Different stakeholders may have different criteria for success. For a comprehensive assessment of project success, you should use time, costs and quality as metrics. It should be noted that subjective success factors can also play a role.

Success factors in project management

Experienced project managers and a qualified team

Experience is a decisive factor for the success of a project. Experienced project managers have the necessary self-confidence and skill to master daily challenges. Clear roles and responsibilities are essential to avoid misunderstandings and mismanagement. The project team also plays an important role: it should both have the necessary skills and be motivated to work together towards the project goal.

Methodical approach

Choosing the right project management method is crucial. Use the tools and techniques of your chosen method to ensure that your process is clear, reliable and efficient. A clear definition of the project objective that is understood and accepted by all stakeholders is essential.

Thorough planning

Solid planning is the key to project success. Many project managers make the mistake of rushing into the execution phase without sufficient planning. Take the time for thorough planning in order to be able to work more effectively and goal-oriented later on. A well-known saying goes: β€œIf you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”

Use tried and tested practices

Use proven practices and frameworks instead of reinventing the wheel. Draw on the experience of previous successes and adapt proven strategies to your specific needs. This will allow you to focus your resources on the truly unique aspects of your project.

Control and monitoring

Regular review and evaluation of project progress is essential. Define key performance indicators (KPIs) and use reports to monitor project status. This allows you to recognize early on if the project is getting out of hand and take appropriate countermeasures.


Appropriate communication is crucial in order to avoid undesirable developments or to recognize them at an early stage. Establish both formal (meetings, documentation) and informal communication processes (e.g. during coffee breaks or via chat tools). Open and regular communication within the team promotes understanding and cooperation.

Contracts for projects: A key to success

Importance of contracts in project management

Contracts are essential for the success of a project. They create a legal basis and define the conditions under which the project is carried out. A well-drafted contract prevents misunderstandings, clarifies responsibilities and minimizes risks. This ensures that all parties share the same expectations and obligations.

Key elements of a project contract

A successful project contract should contain the following elements:

  • Project scope and objectives: Clear definition of the project scope and specific objectives.

  • Schedule: Detailed schedule with milestones and deadlines.

  • Budget and payment terms: Definition of the budget, payment deadlines and terms for additional costs.

  • Responsibilities and roles: Clear assignment of roles and responsibilities.

  • Quality standards: Definition of the quality criteria to be met.

Advantages of a solid contract

A solid contract protects all parties involved and provides clarity and structure in the course of the project. By precisely defining expectations and obligations, the risk of disputes is reduced and the focus can be placed on the successful implementation of the project.


Risks and uncertainties are unavoidable components of project management. However, the success of a project can be planned if you integrate these success factors into your management style. A clear definition of objectives, thorough planning, effective communication and regular monitoring are the cornerstones of project success. By following these principles, you increase the likelihood of successfully completing your projects and achieving your definition of success.