How much will aΒ web design agency cost? This is a question that many people ask themselves when planning a new website. In this article, you will learn about the web design prices for different types of websites and the factors that influence the costs. From a simple business card to a complex online shop – we offer you a clear overview.

As Steve Jobs once said:

"Design is not just how it looks and feels. Design is how it works."

This quote emphasizes the importance of a well thought-out and functional web design that is both aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly.

The most important things at a glance

  • Web design costs vary greatly depending on project type and requirements, from simple online business cards for $500 to $1,500 to bespoke websites that can cost up to $70,000. Web design costs can vary considerably depending on the scope and complexity of the project.

  • The ongoing costs for a website include hosting, updates, maintenance and possibly content creation, which must be taken into account in addition to the one-off creation costs.

  • The choice between DIY solutions, CMS systems such as WordPress and professional agencies depends on budget, project scope and required functionality, with professional help often delivering higher quality and better results in the long term.

Web design costs: an overview

When it comes to creating a website, one of the first questions entrepreneurs and private individuals ask themselves is:

β€œHow much budget do I need for this website?”

The answer to this is as varied as the websites themselves. A broad spectrum of web design prices is emerging for 2024, ranging from low-cost solutions to high-priced, customized projects.

A simple online business card, perfect for freelancers or small businesses, can cost between $500 and $1,500. For more ambitious projects such as portfolio websites, you should expect to pay between $1,500 and $3,000, depending on how complex your requirements are.

For companies that need a professional company website, the web design costs are in a higher price range. Here, prices can range from 10,000 to 15,000 euros, depending on factors such as design complexity, range of functions and technical requirements.

If you are planning an online store, you should calculate your budget even more generously. Creating a professional e-commerce presence often starts at 5,000 euros and can easily reach 15,000 euros or more, especially if you want to integrate special functions or a large product range.

For those planning truly unique and complex web projects, the costs can be even higher. Custom websites developed by a web agency often range from 15,000 to 30,000 euros. For particularly sophisticated projects with elaborate design and special technical requirements, the costs can even rise to 40,000 to 70,000 euros or more.

It is important to understand that these figures are guidelines and the actual costs can vary greatly depending on the project. Factors such as design complexity, desired functionalities and technical requirements play a decisive role in pricing.


When we talk about web design costs, it is important to understand that they are closely linked to the services offered. Web design costs are not just arbitrary numbers, but prices that reflect the effort, expertise and resources that go into creating a website. From the initial concept phase to the final implementation and beyond - every step in the web design process contributes to the overall cost.

Another important aspect to consider is the distinction between one-off and ongoing costs. While the initial costs of creating a website are often the main focus, ongoing expenses should not be neglected.

Ongoing costs include:

  • hosting
  • regular updates
  • maintenance
  • content creation

These ongoing investments are crucial to ensure that your website not only looks attractive, but also remains functional, secure and relevant in the long term

What factors influence web design costs?

Web design costs are influenced by a variety of factors that go far beyond the mere appearance of a website. Here are some important factors that can influence costs:

  • Design complexity: A simple, sleek design will usually cost less than an elaborate, customized layout with interactive elements and animated graphics.

  • Functionality: Do you just need a static information page or do you want dynamic content, user accounts, e-commerce functions or even a complex web application? The more functions you want to integrate, the higher the costs will usually be.

  • Scope of the project: The number of pages and the amount of content that needs to be created can also influence the costs.

  • Customization: If you want a unique design that is specifically tailored to your brand, this can increase the cost.

  • Maintenance and support: Regularly updating and maintaining your website can incur additional costs.

It is important that you clearly define your requirements and budget in order to get a realistic quote for your web design project.

Another important cost factor is the technical requirements. This involves aspects such as:

  • the choice of content management system (CMS)
  • the integration of third-party services
  • special security requirements
  • the scalability of the website - i.e. its ability to grow with increasing traffic and functionality

Not to forget the time factor:

  • The faster a website is to be completed, the higher the costs can be, as more resources have to be used in less time.
  • The customer's quality requirements also play a decisive role in pricing.
  • The highest quality in design, programming and usability often requires more time and expertise, which is reflected in the costs.

Types of websites and their specific costs

In the diverse world of web design, there are different types of websites, each with their own requirements and associated web design prices. The differences in web design costs are particularly noteworthy. From simple online business cards to extensive company homepages and complex e-commerce platforms - each type of website has its own special features in terms of structure, technical functions and maintenance requirements. These differences are of course also reflected in the costs. Let's take a closer look at the most common website types and their specific cost structures.

It is important to understand that the choice of website type should not only depend on current needs, but also on future goals.

  • For a simple online business card, portfolio or blog, modular systems such as Wix, Jimdo or Ionos may suffice.

  • For more complex projects such as directories, membership sites or forums, customized solutions are often required.
  • The price range for online stores in particular can be very broad - from around 6,000 to 20,000 euros, depending on the number of products and desired functions.

In the following sections, we will take a closer look at the specific costs for company websites, online stores and blogs.

Company website


A company website is a company's digital flagship and often the first point of contact for potential customers on the Internet. It serves to present the company comprehensively, inform visitors and convince them. The goals of a company website are manifold: it should be found on the web, appeal to customers and applicants and build trust. Because of these important functions, it is crucial to invest in a professional and appealing design.

The cost of a company website can vary greatly depending on the scope and desired features. You should expect to pay between $2,000 and $10,000 or more for a professionally created company website. This wide price range can be explained by the different requirements of different companies. A more comprehensive professional package, which is often suitable for medium-sized companies, can cost between $2,500 and $8,000. Factors such as

  • the number of pages
  • individual design requirements
  • special functions such as contact forms or image galleries
  • the integration of corporate design elements

play an important role in pricing.

Online store


An online store is more than just a digital display for products - it is a complex system that includes product presentation, order processing, payment processes and often also customer management. The creation of a professional online store is therefore generally associated with higher costs than a simple company website. For a well-equipped e-commerce presence, you should expect to invest between 5,000 and 15,000 euros. If you decide to hire a professional agency, the costs often start at around 8,000 euros.

The actual costs depend heavily on the specific requirements of your online store. A decisive factor is the choice of e-commerce platform. Popular options such as Shopify, Shopware or WordPress in conjunction with WooCommerce each have their own advantages and disadvantages in terms of functionality, customizability and cost. Other important cost factors include the number of products, desired functions such as filter options or customer ratings, the integration of payment systems and the connection to merchandise management systems.

The quality of the design, the technical implementation and the time frame for development also influence the price. A professional online store is an investment in the future of your company and should be planned carefully to ensure long-term success.



Blogs are a popular form of online presence, whether for private individuals, companies or organizations. They provide a platform for regular content publications and can be created and operated relatively inexpensively. The cost of a blog system is usually manageable, especially if you opt for free platforms. Adding your own domain and extended functions can increase the monthly costs to between 10 and 50 euros. If you opt for a premium theme to give your blog a more professional look, you should expect additional costs of between 40 and 80 euros.

The total cost of a professionally created blog will depend greatly on the scope of the project, especially if you use external help to create content. It's important to remember that a successful blog requires ongoing maintenance and regular content publishing, which can take additional time or resources.

One-time vs. ongoing costs


When planning a web project, it is crucial to differentiate between one-off and ongoing web design costs. One-off costs are usually incurred during the initial creation or comprehensive redesign of a website.

These initial investments include aspects such as

  • the design
  • programming
  • the installation of basic functions
  • the purchase of design templates or special plugins that extend the functionality of your website

On the other hand, there are ongoing costs that are often underestimated but are essential for the long-term success and maintenance of your website. These regular expenses include costs for hosting, ongoing maintenance and domain fees. It's important to note that these ongoing costs can vary depending on factors such as browser updates, the introduction of new devices or regulatory changes that require adjustments to your website. Generally, these ongoing costs are billed monthly or annually.

Careful planning and consideration of both one-off and ongoing costs is crucial for realistic budgeting of your web project.

One-off costs

The one-off costs of creating a website are often the largest item in a web project budget. If you decide to work with a professional service provider, these initial investments can average between $2,000 and $20,000. This wide price range can be explained by the variety of possible projects - from simple information pages to complex, customized websites.

An essential part of the one-off costs is the responsive design, which ensures that your website is displayed optimally on all devices. The cost of a responsive design can vary between $500 and $5,000, depending on the complexity of your website. Additional one-off costs may arise from the purchase of high-quality images and professionally created texts from external service providers. These investments in quality content are often crucial to the first impression and effectiveness of your website. It is important to plan these aspects into your budget from the outset to ensure a high quality and effective online presence.

Running costs

The running costs of a website are an often underestimated but essential aspect of the overall investment in your online presence. One of the most basic ongoing expenses is the domain fee, which is usually between $10 and $20 per year. For a basic .de domain, you should expect an annual cost of around 12 euros. This fee secures you the exclusive use of your domain name and is essential for your online identity.

Hosting costs are another important item. These can vary greatly depending on the requirements of your website - from around 3 euros per month for simple websites to 40 euros per month for more complex online stores. On an annual basis, hosting costs can range from 50 to 300 euros, depending on the size and expected traffic of your website.

Not to be neglected are the maintenance and upkeep costs, which can amount to between 100 and 400 euros per month. These costs cover important aspects such as regular updates, security checks and minor adjustments that are essential for the smooth operation and security of your website. It is advisable to include these ongoing costs in your budget from the outset to ensure a professional and well-functioning web presence in the long term.

Budget options for web design

When it comes to creating a website, there are different budget options to suit different needs and financial capabilities. Web design costs vary greatly depending on the solution chosen. At the lower end of the price scale are modular systems, which are available from around $1 per month and can cost up to $40 or more per month. These solutions are particularly attractive for beginners or small projects with a limited budget, as they are often user-friendly and do not require in-depth technical knowledge.

For more sophisticated projects or companies looking for a more professional solution, CMS systems such as WordPress or working with a web design agency are a good option. It is important to note that high-quality web design is usually associated with costs of more than $500. Cheaper offers often lead to inferior results that offer more problems than solutions in the long term. The choice between a CMS such as WordPress and a professional agency depends on factors such as the desired individuality, the scope of the project and the available internal resources.

In the following sections, we'll take a closer look at these options and explain the pros and cons of each.

Modular systems

Website builder systems have grown enormously in popularity in recent years and offer an attractive option for those who want to create a website quickly and inexpensively. The biggest advantage of these systems is their user-friendliness and the ability to create an appealing website without in-depth programming knowledge. Platforms such as Wix, Jimdo or Ionos offer intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces that allow even beginners to create a functional website in a short space of time.

Another advantage of modular systems is their cost efficiency. Many providers include hosting and domain in their packages, which keeps the overall costs manageable. For private websites or small businesses that are just starting out, the monthly costs can be between 0 and 50 euros. However, it is important to note that free versions often place advertisements from the provider on your website, which can detract from its professional appearance.

In addition, modular websites can quickly reach their limits as requirements grow, which may necessitate a switch to more expensive plans or even a completely new solution. Despite these limitations, modular systems offer a good entry-level option for those looking to take their first steps on the web.

CMS like WordPress

Content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress have established themselves as a popular middle ground solution between simple modular systems and fully customized websites. WordPress is characterized by its user-friendliness, which enables website operators to easily maintain and update content. At the same time, it offers great flexibility thanks to its modular structure. The large number of available themes and plugins allows the functionality and appearance of the website to be adapted and expanded as required.

The cost of a WordPress theme can range from a few euros to several thousand euros, depending on whether you opt for a ready-made or customized design. WordPress offers an attractive solution, especially for portfolio websites or blogs that go beyond the possibilities of simple modular systems. It enables a professional presentation without the need for in-depth programming knowledge and at the same time offers the option of integrating more complex functions if required.

Professional web design agencies

For companies that need a customized, high-quality online presence, professional web design agencies are often the best choice. These agencies offer more comprehensive services than freelance web designers and are able to manage complex projects from conception to implementation. However, this comprehensive service is also reflected in the costs. Prices for web design agency services typically range between $15,000 and $30,000, but can go beyond this depending on the scope of the project and requirements.

The major advantage of working with a professional agency is the development of individual strategies and the implementation of high-quality, customized programming. Agencies have teams of different specialists - from designers to developers to SEO experts - who work together to create a holistic solution. This is particularly valuable for companies that need a website that is not only visually appealing, but also technically sophisticated and optimally aligned with their business goals.

Although the investment in an agency solution is higher, it can pay off in the long run by delivering a professional, scalable website tailored to your specific needs.

Web design packages and pricing models


In the world of web design, there are a variety of packages and pricing models to suit different needs and budgets. These packages and associated web design costs range from simple basic offerings to comprehensive enterprise solutions and can include various services such as web development, SEO optimization and ongoing maintenance. Choosing the right package depends on factors such as the size of your business, the specific requirements of your website and your long-term online goals.

The cost of creating a website can vary greatly depending on the scope and requirements, typically ranging from $2,000 to over $20,000. This wide price range is explained by the variety of possible projects - from simple DIY websites to complex, bespoke web presences. It is important to understand that the price often reflects the quality, functionality and scope of services offered.

In the following sections, we'll take a closer look at the most common package types: Basic, Professional and Enterprise packages. This overview should help you to identify the most suitable package for your needs.

Basic package

The basic package is often the entry point for small businesses or individuals looking to build their first professional online presence. Typically, such a package includes:

  • The creation of a simple online business card or a small landing page
  • Costs from 500 to 1,500 euros
  • Basic features such as a simple but appealing design
  • A limited number of pages (often between 1-5)
  • A basic SEO optimization.

Even for slightly more extensive projects, which include a main page, privacy policy, legal notice and contact page, costs can start from $1,500 with an agency. This option is particularly attractive for start-ups or small projects with a limited budget that still want a professional online presence. However, it is important to note that customization and expansion options are often limited in this price segment.

Professional package

The Professional package is aimed at companies that require a more comprehensive and customized online presence. In this segment, the cost of a web design price can range from $1,000 to $5,000 if you choose to work with a freelance web designer. This price range usually allows for a customized design that is precisely tailored to your brand identity, as well as a larger number of pages and advanced functionalities.

For example, a professional package could include the following features:

  • responsive design
  • content management system for easy updates
  • integrated contact forms
  • image gallery
  • small blog

In addition, more extensive SEO optimization is often included to improve your visibility in search engines. This package offers a good balance between customization, functionality and cost and is ideal for growing businesses or established small to medium sized businesses looking to take their online presence to a professional level.

Enterprise package

Enterprise packages are designed for large companies or complex web projects that demand the highest levels of functionality, scalability and customization. These packages can include extensive web applications or large, high-performance online stores. The costs for such enterprise solutions, which are offered by professional web design agencies, often start at 20,000 euros and can go significantly higher depending on the scope of the project. In many cases, the investment for an enterprise package is over 20,000 euros, with the exact price depending heavily on the complexity and individual requirements.

An enterprise package could include the following functions, for example:

  • Fully customized design
  • Complex e-commerce functionalities
  • Multilingual content
  • Advanced security features
  • Integrations with other enterprise systems
  • Comprehensive analysis tools

In addition, such packages often include long-term maintenance and support agreements. This high-quality solution is ideal for companies that need a robust, scalable and future-proof online presence that can grow with their business.

Save on web design costs

Webdesign-Kosten sparen

In times when every dollar counts, many businesses and individuals are looking for ways to save on web design costs without sacrificing quality. There are actually some clever strategies that can help you use your budget effectively while still creating a professional online presence. One of the most effective methods is to reuse existing content. If you already have high-quality text, images or videos, these can often be adapted for your new website. This not only saves money on creating new content, but also ensures a consistent brand message across different platforms.

Another way to save costs is through careful planning and preparation of your web project. The clearer your vision and the more detailed your planning, the more accurate estimates can be prepared and the more efficiently the project can be implemented. This minimizes costly changes and rework during the development process. For certain aspects of your project, such as SEO optimization, you may also consider working with professionals from less expensive regions. Platforms like offer access to qualified experts at competitive rates.

In the following sections, we'll take a closer look at some of these cost-saving strategies and give you practical tips on how to make the most of your web design budget.

Reuse old content

An effective strategy for reducing the cost of creating a new website is to cleverly reuse existing content. This approach not only offers financial benefits, but can also strengthen the consistency of your brand message. By using existing text, images or videos, you can save significant costs on producing new content. This is particularly beneficial if your existing materials are already successful and represent your brand identity well.

However, when reusing, it is important to critically review and update content where necessary to ensure it is relevant and contemporary to your new website. This process can also be a good opportunity to optimize your content pages and bring them in line with current SEO guidelines. Keep in mind that a clever combination of tried and tested and new content is often the best strategy to create a fresh but familiar online presence.

Clear ideas and planning

Thorough preparation and clear ideas are the key to an efficient and cost-effective web design project. The more detailed your planning is, the more accurately the budget can be calculated, avoiding unnecessary expenditure. This starts with a clear definition of your goals and requirements for the website. What should the website do? Which functions are absolutely necessary and which would only be β€œnice to have”? A well-prepared questionnaire to clarify the most important points can help to estimate the time and cost framework more accurately.

Determine the required functionalities and the number of pages for your web project before the project starts in order to minimize later changes and the associated additional costs. Efficient project management in web design not only reduces the time required, but also the costs. Also consider using templates instead of completely customized designs. Although this may result in a less unique website, it can save significant costs. Keep in mind, however, that code quality can sometimes be lower with templates.

Clearly communicating your ideas and goals to your web designer or agency is crucial for a successful and cost-effective project.

Important additional services and their costs

When planning your web project, it is important to consider not only the basic costs for design and development, but also the web design costs and the costs for important additional services. These additional services can make the difference between an average and an outstanding website and are often crucial to the long-term success of your online presence.

One of the most important add-on services is search engine optimization (SEO). The integration of SEO services can significantly increase the visibility of your website and costs on average between $300 and $1,500 per month. For high-quality SEO support from a specialized company, you should expect to pay between $1,000 and $8,000 per month.

In addition to SEO, services such as SSL encryption for the security of your website and responsive design for optimal display on all devices are also very important. In the following sections, we will take a closer look at these important additional services and give you an overview of the associated costs.

SEO optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a crucial factor in the success of your website. Many low-cost web design offerings result in websites that rank poorly or not at all on Google, which significantly limits their usefulness. Professional SEO optimization can significantly improve the visibility of your website and attract new customers. Investing in SEO should therefore be considered an essential part of your web design budget.

The cost of SEO optimization can vary depending on the scope and intensity of the measures. Typically, SEO optimization includes services such as keyword research and on-page optimization, which can cost between $500 and $5,000 in total. For ongoing professional SEO support, you should expect to pay between $800 and $1,000 per month. Top SEO agencies in the DACH region have hourly rates of $180 to $300, depending on the consultant level.

It is important to understand that SEO is an ongoing process and not a one-off affair. Logical structuring of content and regular optimization can not only improve search engine rankings in the long term, but also reduce costs by increasing the efficiency of your online presence.

SSL encryption

SSL encryption is no longer optional in today's digital landscape, but an absolute necessity for any reputable website. SSL certificates ensure that the data transfer between the user and the website is encrypted, which is crucial for the protection of sensitive data. This is particularly important for websites that process personal information or payment data. In addition, SSL certificates increase the credibility of your website by boosting user confidence in the security of your online presence.

Although the implementation of SSL encryption involves additional costs, these are more than justified by the enhanced security measures and increased credibility. The cost of an SSL certificate can vary depending on the type and provider, but often starts at around $50 per year for a basic certificate. For companies with higher security requirements, advanced SSL certificates can cost several hundred euros per year. Keep in mind that many web hosting providers offer SSL certificates for free or at reduced prices as part of their hosting packages.

Responsive design

In an age where mobile devices account for a large proportion of internet traffic, responsive design is no longer just an option, but a necessity. Responsive design ensures that a website is displayed optimally on all devices such as smartphones, tablets and desktops. This enables the website to be displayed optimally on different end devices and thus significantly increases user-friendliness. Although implementing a responsive design can increase initial development costs, it pays off in the long term. Not only does it improve the user experience, but it also has a positive impact on search engine rankings as Google favors mobile-friendly websites.

The cost of responsive design is often included in the overall cost of web design, but can vary depending on the complexity of the website. For an existing website, converting to a responsive design can cost between $1,000 and $5,000, depending on the extent of the changes required. When developing a new website, responsive design should be planned in from the outset, which only slightly increases the overall costs but offers considerable added value.

Do it yourself or get professional help?

The decision between self-directed and professional help in creating a website is a fundamental question that many companies and individuals ask themselves. Both approaches have their pros and cons, and the right choice depends on several factors, including your budget, your technical skills, the complexity of your project and the web design costs.

Doing it yourself offers the advantage of a quickly available online presence and allows for easy content creation and management. It can also serve as an introduction to online marketing. Although the initial investment is lower with self-directed websites, there are potential SEO and functionality limitations to consider.

On the other hand, professional agencies ensure higher quality, which can increase the conversion rate and better serve the purpose of the website. They help with new customer acquisition, positioning as an industry leader and building reputation and trust. In the following sections, we'll take a closer look at the pros and cons of both approaches to help you make this important decision.

Advantages of self-direction

The decision to build a website on your own can be particularly attractive for small businesses, start-ups or individuals. One of the main benefits of this approach is the low cost, although it often comes with a higher time commitment. For those willing to invest the time and energy, this can be a rewarding experience. For blogs in particular, self-direction is a popular option as it allows costs to be kept low while allowing personal passion and creativity to flow into the project.

Another advantage of self-directing is the opportunity to acquire new skills. By getting to grips with the various aspects of web design yourself, you can gain valuable knowledge and experience. This can be beneficial in the long term as you develop a better understanding of how to maintain and develop your website. Modern website builder systems and content management systems such as WordPress make it possible for non-experts to create a functional website with the help of guides, themes and plugins. However, it is important to note that the result is rarely comparable to that of a professional agency, especially when it comes to advanced features or a highly customized design.

Advantages of professional help

Hiring professional help for your web design project and website creation comes with numerous benefits, which are especially important for businesses with high expectations for their online presence. It is generally not advisable to have the company website created by an amateur or to rely on small website construction kits, especially when it comes to extensive corporate websites that have a high priority for the company. Professional help offers significantly higher quality, which often cannot be achieved by doing it yourself.

A major advantage of working with experts is the time saved. Companies can concentrate on their core tasks while experts take care of the technical details. Professionally built websites are also more scalable and adaptable, which is especially important as your business grows or your needs change. The long-term benefits include not only scalability, but also the ability to adapt to changing market conditions and customer needs.

For companies and institutions that want to make a lasting impression, working with experts is often the best way to benefit from their expertise and experience to create a truly professional online presence, including effective email communication.

Return on investment (ROI) of professional web design

When considering web design costs for professional web design, it is important to not only look at the immediate expense, but also to consider the long-term return on investment (ROI). A well-designed and functional website can more than make up for the initial web design costs in the long term through increased sales. The price of web design should therefore not be seen as a mere expense, but as an investment in the future of the company.

A professional web design aims to achieve the maximum ROI for the company. This is achieved in various ways:

  • High-quality web design significantly improves the user experience, which can directly lead to an increase in the conversion rate.
  • Visitors who find a well-designed, user-friendly website are more likely to become customers or perform desired actions.
  • Professional web design ensures better visibility in search engines such as Google, which leads to more organic traffic and potentially more leads and sales.

An often overlooked aspect of web design ROI is the strengthening of the brand and company image. A well-designed website can significantly enhance the company's image and serve as a digital business card that exudes professionalism and trustworthiness. This can strengthen customer loyalty in the long term and lead to repeat business. At a time when the first contact with a company often takes place online, an impressive website can make all the difference.

Ultimately, professional web design is a strategic investment that pays off in the form of increased visibility, improved customer loyalty and increased sales.


In this comprehensive overview, we have highlighted the many aspects of web design costs for 2024. From the different types of websites to budget options and key add-ons, we've covered a wide range of information to help you make your decision. It became clear that the cost of web design can vary greatly depending on factors such as complexity, functionality and chosen approach.

Ultimately, investing in a professional website is more than just an expense - it's an investment in the digital future of your business. Whether you choose a do-it-yourself solution, a CMS like WordPress or work with a professional agency, each option has its own pros and cons. It's important to carefully consider your specific needs, budget and long-term goals. Remember that a well-designed website not only enhances your online presence, but can also become a valuable business tool that helps you attract new customers, strengthen your brand and ultimately increase your business success. With the right investments and decisions, you can create a website that not only meets your current needs, but can also grow and evolve with your business.